Monday, February 10, 2014

2014 Hate List, Vol. II

Well, it's been more than three weeks since the first installment of my 2014 Hate List, and if there's one thing I Hate, it's failing to update you on the things that are making me crazy this year. So let me see if I can make it up to you with a better-late-than-never addition.

2014 Hate List
by Allison Buckley

1. Hedgehogs.

2. Cold temperatures without snow days.

3. Eating and being healthy.

4. ABC being cryptic with what "goes down," so to speak, between the Bachelor and his ladies.  I'm sure you watched the controversy live, but let me weigh in on last Monday's drama. Clare, the resident hairstylist whose hair is unfortunately always kind of a mess, paid a 4 am visit to Juan Pablo and asked him to join her for a midnight ocean swim. He did. Amidst very rough waves, the cameras caught them making out with a vengeance. The next day, after Clare made a long and confusing toast to a bunch of things that ended with "and making love!", Juan Pabs took her aside to tell her he hoped that no one knew about what happened the night before, and that he regretted it, that he didn't want his daughter to see him like that, etc. etc. etc. Clare of course burst into tears and said she never meant to disrespect his daughter.

But I, too, am confused. What are they so ashamed about? claims that Clare gave them an interview denying that she and Juan Pablo had sex, but this is the "denial":

Because of your and Juan Pablo's strong reactions, it prompted a lot of speculation that you and Juan Pablo had sex in the ocean. Can you set the record straight?
I don't think that it was made clear by anybody that that's not what happened. That was not my intention going into it. I just wanted to swim in the ocean and check that off my bucket list. I never in my mind was thinking, "This is going to be something raunchy." 

Where exactly is the denial in that answer? I cannot even understand that and I think she was speaking English.

Maybe what happened was that, while Clare and Juan Pablo were making out in the ocean, she got stung by a jellyfish and Juan Pablo had to treat the sting like Joey did to Monica on Friends, and then ABC edited that footage out of the scene. Maybe that's what he's so ashamed for his daughter to see?

As you can see, I'm quite confused. ABC, if you're reading (which I know you are), can you please be very explicit with what happens on the Bachelor? I'm thinking subtitles might be helpful. It's not fair to keep us innocent minds in the dark.



  1. Not that I watch Big Brother of course, but if I did, I would point out that they have a whole special show entitled Big Brother After Dark which plays after midnight and shows the REAL TRUTH. I would watch Bachelor After Dark for sure.

  2. That sounds awesome. Who do I need to talk to to make this happen?! :)
