Friday, February 28, 2014

Five on Friday

I am back for my second Five on Friday! I’ve had a little bit of writer’s block this week so I haven’t been posting too much, but have no fear, I have several excellent ideas for blog posts coming your way next week. You probably want to skip the weekend just to be able to read my next posts.  Don’t wish your life away, friends!

Let’s clear one thing up real quick. Does this speaker, or does it not, look like a cat? 

This is the giant speaker thing that hands in the middle of Rupp Arena, home of my beloved but not-so-good-this-year Wildcats. I have always thought it looks like lots of cat faces, but no one believes me. Here’s a little sketch to help you out:


Please tell me that you think it looks like a cat. You get ten points if you agree with me.

I don’t mean to brag, but I didn’t get home last night until after midnight. It was my half birthday, after all, so we celebrated by going to dinner, the UK game, and then to see Evanshine’s cousin’s boyfriend’s (that is a lot of ‘ss) band play downtown. They are called Buffalo Wabs and the Price Hill Hustle, but they were announced as “Buffalo Swabs,” which I kind of liked. I might start my own competing band called Buffalo Swabs. Will you be my groupie?

My hot yoga challenge ends tomorrow! Unfortunately, I did not reach my goal of 30 classes in 30 days. I blame Evan, who is the reason that I went to the UK game and a bar last night instead of yoga class. Technically, I only have been 25 times. I will go tonight and tomorrow for a grand total of 27 yoga classes. Whatever, I’m still having a celebration smoothie after class today.

Last night while at the Swabs show, Evan’s cousin introduced me to a little game called “Classy or Trashy?” To play this game, you simply look around you and point at different things and answer the question: classy or trashy? Because writer’s block is a real disease, I have gone through my phone and found several pictures that we can use to play a quick round here on Five on Friday:

Cat as mantle decoration: classy or trashy?

A: Cats as decor are always classy. The other random stuff and mail on the mantle are not so classy, however. I am in the process of a mantle reno at the moment, plus I'm messy, so cut me a little slack, okay?

Roadsign to Boogertown: classy or trashy?

A: Classy. Everything in Tennessee is classy.

Wine and cheese in Gatlinburg: classy or trashy?

A: Classy. See above.  Also, goldfish pair very well with champagne served from a wine glass. If you had to ask, I'm worried about you.

Plastic deer head painted like a tiger: classy or trashy?

A: Sorry to all you fans out there, but this is trashy. First, everyone knows deer don't have tiger stripes. Second, it is a Hoosier deer head, and Hoosiers are trashy. (Ha, go big blue!)

Something big is coming here on the old blog. I can’t tell you what it is, and I can’t tell you when it will happen (probably Sunday), but I can tell you that it involves royalty (but not too much royalty, because my brother tells me my blog talks too much about Kate Middleton and is “boring.” Too much Kate? There’s no such thing.), basketball, and prizes galore. Yes, I've resorted to teasers to up my readership.

Have a good weekend! I plan to spend a good bit of it at the movies catching up on some Oscar hopefuls. If you're lucky, I'll also be doing some photoshoots for ye olde blog. Stay tuned.

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